Graduate School of Global Food Resources Hokkaido University

Prospective Students

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Educational Characteristics

Interchange with Other Disciplines

Interchange with Other Disciplines

To ensure the resolution of global food resources problems in the 21st century, it is essential to develop personnel through education that integrates the humanities and sciences – the humanities including education and economics, and sciences including agriculture, engineering, fisheries science, global environment, and public health.

The Graduate School of Global Food Resources aims to produce world-class pioneers with broad perspectives and international negotiation skills who are capable of addressing various food resources challenges. To achieve this aim, the School encourages students to learn cultural aspects of the problems (e.g., current world affairs, economics, history, races/ethnic groups, and thought) as well as their technical aspects, such as food production and environmental conservation, through educational and research programs offered by faculty members from different fields of specialization.

Since the School offers a curriculum integrating the humanities and sciences, lectures on fundamental science subjects will be provided primarily for students with majors in humanities to promote their understanding of science subjects. Furthermore, students will also be taught how to organize international conferences and symposiums.

Overseas Fieldwork

The Graduate School of Global Food Resources places importance on Wandervogel practical training programs. The term Wandervogel is a German word meaning “wandering bird,” and was the name given to a youth movement that emphasized outdoor activities that was launched by Karl Fischer and others in pre-war Germany.

The School offers Wandervogel fieldwork subjects to give students opportunities to gain first-hand experience of real-world food resources problems in Japan and elsewhere to consider them as their own challenges. This is intended to encourage students to recognize global food resources problems and pursue their study independently and actively in line with the areas of their research interest.

The School plans to provide Wandervogel subjects as outlined below.

Subject name Course Academic year Classifi-cation Outline Destination
Wandervogel Study in Global Food Resources I Maser’s course Compulsory Subjects Independent study of initiatives to resolve or mitigate food resource problems. (one to two weeks for each subject) Europe
Wandervogel Study in Global Food Resources II Asia
Wandervogel Research Internship in Global Food Resources VI Doctoral course Compulsory Subjects Collaboration on advanced subjects in the field or industrial, governmental and/or academic research institutes in Japan and elsewhere and reporting on the results. (two or more weeks) Overseas / in Japan

Lectures Offered in English

HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY Graduate School of GLOBAL FOOD RESOURCE offers all lectures in English because students aspiring to thrive on the world stage must become able to speak English outside Japan without hesitation. In particular, learning from various English-speaking faculty members from abroad will help students enhance their English language skills.  Doctoral and master’s thesis and their examination will also be handled by English.

Faculty members invited from abroad (tentative)

University of California, Davis Roger Brett Boulton (Wine Enology)
Shota Atsumi (Synthetic Biology)
Robert Hackman (Nutrition Science)
 University of Wisconsin-Madison Brian Grant Fox (Biochemistry)
 Kasetsart University Methee Kaewnern (Fishery Resources Management)
Iowa State University Lance H. Baumgard (Livestock Management)
Agricultural Research for Development Philippe Karpe (African Rural Politics)

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