


髙橋 昌志

学位 博士(農学)
専門分野 家畜生殖生理学
  1. Preimplantation death of xenomitochondrial mouse embryo harbouring bovine mitochondria.(ウシミトコンドリアの移植によるマウス胚での着床前致死)
  2. Status of autophagy, lysosome activity and apoptosis during corpus luteum regression in cattle.(ウシ黄体退行時のオートファジー,リソソーム活性とアポトーシス状態)
  3. Generation of aminoterminally truncated, stable types of bioactive bovine and porcine fibroblast growth factor 4 in Escherichia coli. (アミノ基末端切断によるウシおよびブタ線維芽細胞成長因子4の安定的組換体作製)
  4. Heat stress during in vitro fertilization decreases fertilization success by disrupting anti-polyspermy systems of the oocytes.(体外受精時の暑熱ストレスは多性拒否機構を乱すことで受精を阻害する)
  5. Expression and regulation of Foxa2 in the rat uterus during early pregnancy.(前期妊娠ラット子宮におけるFoxa2の発現と調節)
  6. Expression of Aldo-keto Reductase 1C23 in the Equine Corpus Luteum in Different Luteal Phases.(ウマ黄体におけるアルドケト還元酵素1C123のステージ別発現)
  7. Biological Activity of Recombinant Bovine Interferon τ Produced by a Silkworm-Baculovirus Gene Expression System.(バキュロウイルスを用いたインターフェロンτの組換え合成)
  8. Simple density-based particle separation in a microfluidic chip.(マイクロ流体チップによる密度の差異による粒子分離)
  9. Cathepsin B activity has a crucial role in the developmental competence of bovine cumulus–oocyte complexes exposed to heat shock during in vitro maturation.(暑熱ストレスに曝露されたウシ卵子の発生能へのカテプシンの関与)
  10. Transcriptional wiring for establishing cell lineage specification at the blastocyst stage in cattle.(ウシ胚盤胞の細胞分化に関わる転写発現の網羅的解析)

